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Gui4CLI script | 1998-07-06 | 5.7 KB | 213 lines |
- G4C
- ; This GUI is similar to the Workbench "Execute command" GUI, but more.
- ; There is a textin gadget for entering commands, buttons for choosing
- ; files, changing the directory, and opening a newshell.
- ; More important, it can also send ARexx commands to the port shown
- ; in the other (bottom right) textin gadget (which can also be changed)
- ; USE :
- ; Guiload guis:tools/cli.gc <commandline> <mode> - or
- ; GuiOpen cli.gc <commandline> <mode>
- WINBIG 48 34 554 39 "Enter commands :"
- WinSmall 0 -1 422 30
- WinType 11110010
- BOX 0 0 554 39 out BUTTON
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; System events
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- xOnLoad cl_Main cl_Mode
- if $cl_Mode < ' '
- cl_Mode = G4C
- endif
- cl_Port = $$G4C.port ; Port name (can also sendrexx to ourselves)
- guiopen cli.gc
- xonRELOAD cl_Main cl_Mode
- guiopen cli.gc
- xOnOpen
- setwintitle cli.gc "$$CURRENT_DIR "
- Update cli.gc 1 $cl_Main ; show whatever the command line is
- SetGad cli.gc 1 ON ; to get the cursor in the gadget immediately
- ; update cycler to mode given
- docase $cl_Mode
- case = G4C
- update cli.gc 10 0
- break
- case = CLI
- update cli.gc 10 1
- break
- case = RUN
- update cli.gc 10 2
- break
- case = EXEC
- update cli.gc 10 3
- break
- endcase
- stack = $$g4c.stack
- update cli.gc 12 $stack
- xOnRMB
- status
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;===============> Main text input gadget
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTEXTIN 10 5 513 14 "" cl_Main "" 512
- gadid 1
- gadhelp 'Enter Command line'
- gosub cli.gc DoCommand
- XBUTTON 525 5 20 14 C
- gadhelp 'Clear Command line'
- cl_Main = ""
- update cli.gc 1 ""
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> Cycler for choosing ARexx/CLI/RUN modes
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XCYCLER 10 20 80 14 "" cl_Mode
- GadID 10 ; we may want to change it from elsewhere
- gadhelp 'Choose action to take on command line'
- CSTR ARexx G4C
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> GO button (to execute the command)
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XBUTTON 90 20 40 14 "GO!"
- gadhelp 'Execute action shown in Cycler'
- gosub cli.gc DoCommand
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;=======> button for file requester for commands
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XBUTTON 135 20 65 14 "Cmd.."
- gadhelp 'Choose a Command'
- cl_cmd = ""
- REQFILE -1 -1 300 -60 "Choose Files" LOAD cl_cmd sys:c
- if $cl_cmd > ""
- cl_temp = $cl_Main
- cl_Main = '$cl_cmd '
- appvar cl_Main $cl_temp
- update cli.gc 1 $cl_Main
- delvar cl_temp
- endif
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> Button for File requester for filenames
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XBUTTON 200 20 65 14 "Files.."
- gadhelp 'Choose a File as an argument'
- cl_File = ""
- REQFILE -1 -1 300 -60 "Choose Files" MULTI cl_File $$CURRENT_DIR
- if $cl_File > ""
- appvar cl_Main $cl_File
- update cli.gc 1 $cl_Main
- endif
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> Button to open a shell
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XBUTTON 265 20 40 14 Cli
- gadhelp 'Open a Shell'
- CLI 'Newshell "con:0/150/640/100/NewShell/CLOSE"'
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> Button to change directory
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XBUTTON 305 20 40 14 CD
- setvar cl_Dir ""
- gadhelp "Change Gui4Cli's current directory"
- REQFILE -1 -1 300 -60 "Choose directory" DIR cl_Dir ""
- if $cl_Dir > ""
- CD $cl_Dir
- SetWinTitle cli.gc "$cl_Dir "
- endif
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> Set stack size
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTEXTIN 365 20 55 14 "" stack 4000 12
- gadid 12
- gadhelp 'Sets the STACK size for CLI or RUN'
- setstack $stack
- XBUTTON 350 20 15 14 "<"
- gadhelp 'Decrease stack size'
- if $$g4c.stack > 1500 ; minimum stack size
- stack == $$g4c.stack - 1024
- endif
- update cli.gc 12 $stack
- setstack $stack
- XBUTTON 420 20 15 14 ">"
- gadhelp 'Increase stack size'
- stack == $$g4c.stack + 1024
- update cli.gc 12 $stack
- setstack $stack
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> TEXTin gadget to get port name for sendrexx command
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- XTEXTIN 440 20 105 14 "" cl_Port "Gui4Cli" 40
- GadID 2
- gadhelp 'Port name for sending ARexx commands'
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;========> ROUTINE to execute command
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- xROUTINE DoCommand
- docase $cl_Mode
- case = G4C
- SendRexx $cl_Port $cl_Main
- break
- case = CLI
- CLI $cl_Main
- break
- case = RUN
- RUN $cl_Main
- break
- case = EXEC
- CLI 'execute $cl_Main'
- break
- endcase
- if $$RETCODE = 0
- SetWinTitle cli.gc "OK - $$G4C.DIR"
- else
- SetWinTitle cli.gc "* ERROR * $$RETCODE $$REXXRET"
- endif
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;=========> before commands are executed, we restore the window title
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
- SetWinTitle cli.gc "$$CURRENT_DIR "